Is an Irish Wolfhound a good family dog?
An Irish Wolfhound with a newborn child
By Stephanie Westover
Is an Irish Wolfhound a good family dog? As the tallest dog breed in the world, and originally bred to hunt wolves, one would question if this werewolf looking beast could actually be a good family dog. The short answer is Yes, the Irish Wolfhound is historically known to be extremely loyal, gentle and kind.
Are Irish Wolfhounds good with children?
Every dog has its own individual personality with varying temperaments even within their own breeds and Irish Wolfhounds are traditionally known for their calm, kind and gentle demeanor. In my experience with our own Irish Wolfhounds and the many I have had the pleasure of knowing, ALL were generally even tempered and tolerant around new people and children. We have seven grown children and 4 beautiful grandchildren and our wolfhounds have been nothing but patient, calm, inquisitive and playful when it comes to interacting with our youngest of family members. It would never be advised with any dog to ever leave your small child or infant unsupervised, or alone together. I have witnessed too many dog related accidents when it comes to dogs and small children. I usually fault the adult in charge and not the dog and the child who end up being the victims in this situation.
Is an Irish Wolfhound a good family dog?
Our Irish Wolfhounds are socialized with small children as puppies so they can understand boundaries and experience safe and comfortable interactions that are free of fear and anxiety. Our puppies are allowed the ability to find relief from the attention of a small child if the attention proves to be too intense. This kind of supervised activity helps your puppy gain trust in you and the child during interactions.
Some Irish Wolfhounds are more interested in children than others and knowing your individual wolfhounds temperament and personality is very important. Saoirse, our eldest female is very attuned to children, she will seek out a small child that is crying or in distress and stand near or beside the child until they are comforted. Our male Dúghall is intently interested in children for the mere fact that they are fun and more energetic and exciting to play with. He will follow any child to see what adventure and fun can be had.
Is an Irish Wolfhound a good family dog?
Eventhough we know our wolfhounds to be great around small children we would never leave them unattended because accidents can happen and when a wolfhound gets excited, a small child could accidentally get run over fairly easily. Keep in mind that Wolfhounds are surprisingly aware of their size and can nimbly manuever around coffee tables and furniture. However, be cautious because this giant breed can sometimes accidentally step on your child’s toes, or unintentionally, knock them over. Irish Wolfhounds affection can be a wee bit rough as well and many bumps, cuts and bruises can all be had in the name of love. sitting on their most favorite people.
Are Irish Wolfhounds good with cats and other family pets?
The Irish Wolfhound is undeniably a “Hunting Dog” and their inherited instincts cannot be ignored. As the saying goes, “If it runs a Wolfhound will chase it”. With that said, an Irish Wolfhound’s instincts can be controlled with proper training and acclimation starting at a young age. In my experience, I have personally witnessed many Wolfhounds that get along well with all manners of furry family members/family pets.
Cats, little dogs, bunnies, chickens, cattle, horses, goats and sheep, just to name a few, can all be friends with an Irish Wolfhound. Each Irish Wolfhound comes with its own personality. Some may have a higher “prey drive” than others and that needs to be noted and acknowledged when introducing your new wolfhound to any new family member or family pet. Boundaries and supervision are a must to prevent any accidents between your wolfhound and any of your family pets. Since an Irish Wolfhound sometimes might not realize their size or strength, regulating play and rough-housing is a must, as your smaller, younger, or more fragile family pet may need you to help with relief from your Irish Wolfhound’s over zealous affections. There are exceptions to every rule and the development of your Irish Wolfhound is what you make of it. How your wolfhound get’s along with your human family members and family pets is all up to you and your ability to make the best of your puppies training at an early age.
In conclusion, the answer is yes. The Irish Wolfhound is a wonderful family dog and with the right upbringing and socialization as a puppy can turn out to be one of the best dogs and friends to even the youngest and most fragile of your family members.
About the author
Recognized as one of the top Irish Wolfhound breeders in the USA, Stephanie Westover is dedicated to bringing the canine community together by informing inspiring dog lovers through her expertise and first-hand knowledge of the ancient Irish Wolfhound breed.
With deep Irish roots, Stephanie is a published author, speaker and an award winning photographer.
Stephanie lives on the ranch with her husband 7 hounds and 3 horses.