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What was the original purpose of an Irish Wolfhound? What is the symbolism of a Wolfhound? Is an Irish Wolfhound a good pet? Will an Irish Wolfhound protect you? Is a Irish Wolfhound bigger then a Great Dane? Is an Irish Wolfhound bigger than a wolf? Are Irish Wolfhounds intelligent? ...and so much more.

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From Hart Hounds to Heart Hounds - A Tale of History and Unconditional Love

Irish Wolfhounds, known for their majestic appearance and gentle demeanor, have a rich history that spans centuries. Originally referred to as "Hart Hounds" due to their remarkable hunting capabilities in ancient times, the modern-day term "Heart Hounds" has emerged to capture the deep love and affection these magnificent creatures bring into the lives of their human companions. Let’s explore the historical significance of the breed as well as the profound bond that they share with their owners, which has earned them the endearing nickname of "Heart Hounds."

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