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What was the original purpose of an Irish Wolfhound? What is the symbolism of a Wolfhound? Is an Irish Wolfhound a good pet? Will an Irish Wolfhound protect you? Is a Irish Wolfhound bigger then a Great Dane? Is an Irish Wolfhound bigger than a wolf? Are Irish Wolfhounds intelligent? ...and so much more.

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From a 100-Pound Puppy to Full Maturity: The Incredible Journey of Growth in Irish Wolfhounds

Embark on an extraordinary journey as we discuss the awe-inspiring transformation of a 100-pound Irish Wolfhound puppy into a majestic adult dog, reaching their full maturity around four years old. Join us as we delve into the significant milestones, physical and behavioral developments, and the deepening bond between these magnificent creatures and their human companions throughout this remarkable period.

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