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What was the original purpose of an Irish Wolfhound? What is the symbolism of a Wolfhound? Is an Irish Wolfhound a good pet? Will an Irish Wolfhound protect you? Is a Irish Wolfhound bigger then a Great Dane? Is an Irish Wolfhound bigger than a wolf? Are Irish Wolfhounds intelligent? ...and so much more.
From 12 Weeks to 100 Pounds: The Incredible Transformation of an Irish Wolfhound Puppy in the First Year
Continuing our journey with the remarkable Irish Wolfhound puppy, we now delve into the thrilling experiences and growth that occur from the twelve-week mark to reaching an impressive weight of 100 pounds within the first year. Join us as we siscuss the physical and emotional development, training milestones, and the strengthening bond between this magnificent breed and its human companions.